Accidental threesome

Now I know what you’re thinking, “how can you have an accidental threesome, you’re such a slut.” Well my darling readers, the average human can’t have an accidental threesome, but yours truly can, and did.

It all started when I went to a beer festival. A BEER FESTIVAL. Now I am a beer lover, so naturally I pregammed this beer fest with Japanese Sake, and a Stella. Because why the fuck not. I’ll tell you why the fuck not, because this festival had over 300 beers and you could try all of them at your leisure. Or as my friends decided as fast as we could get from booth to booth. Sometimes I regret the friends I have ( I’m 100% kidding, I love those fuckers). They give you a one ounce glass and if you can do math that’s over 25, 12 oz beers if you are to go to every booth. Let’s just say when we left the festival I was ready for a taco and my bed.

After Beer Fest, we had the great idea to not only stay out, but let’s take shots. Oh. Okay cool. Sometimes I think I want to die. We did however get food so my night wasn’t a total blackout. We went to a bar and I had the courage to go up to a table full of frat stars and just strike up conversation. One thing lead to another and two of the boys were taking me home. I thought they were roommates and we were headed to their apartment. WRONG. Not only did these boys not live together, we didn’t even go to their apartment we went to Beer Man’s brother’s apartment that he lived in with his FIANCE. yup. So Beer Man and I started making out on a couch and beer boy (beer man’s friend not his brother) was else where at this point. Beer Man and I were getting hot and heavy when he looks up and nods. Out of the corner of my eye I see beer boy approaching us. Beer Man leans in and asks, “is this okay, we just really want to try.” I’m drunk and a little confused so I just nod and pull Beer Man back into a make out..

Beer boy kissed me and then moved into eating me out. As this is happening Beer man asked if I would give him a blow job, I obliged. The rest of this night however is very hazy for not only me, but Beer Man as well. I asked him if he remembers past the blow job and he said he vaguely remembers just the two of us having sex and Beer boy watching so, full on threesome, probably not by definition, but for me Yes. All in all I have another thing checked off my bucket list, that honestly I didn’t know was on there, but hey, whatcha gonna do.

Moral of the story, maybe don’t go to a beer festival, or maybe do. Your  call.

Until next time my sex fiends. Have fun, and get some.

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